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Sprachkurse am Sprachenzentrum

Das Sprachenzentrum / IFS ist eine zentrale Einrichtung der Hochschule Pforzheim und bietet Sprachkurse für alle Fakultäten an. Informationen zum gesamten Sprachangebot und zu den An- und Abmeldungen zu den Kursen und den Tests finden Sie auf den jeweiligen Sprachseiten. Für Fragen zum passenden Kursniveau stehen Ihnen die akademischen Mitarbeiterinnen gerne zur Verfügung.

Language Course offerings at the Language Department

One of our objectives is to encourage all international students to improve their language profile by acquiring adequate skills in German. Therefore the Language Department of Pforzheim Universty offers German courses for international exchange students every semester.


Generally pre-semester German courses on two levels are offered every semester: an intensive beginners course starts approximately 3.5 weeks before the start of the lecture period, a refresher course for students who have prior Geman knowledge (min. A2 level) starts about 2 weeks before the start of the lecture period.

Course offerings during the semester

During the semester, German courses on all levels are offered. At the beginning of the semester students will take a placement test in order to estimate their German level and to put them in the adequate course.

Please note: Who takes part in the A1 pre-semester course can only go up to the next level during the semester. There will not be a placement test and you can not skip a level.


Students have to register on the application form if they want to take part in one of the pre-courses. Only who has registered in due consideration of the deadline will get a place in one of the courses. An entry in the Learning Agreement does not count as registration!