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The Department of Information Technology offers bachelor's degree courses in electrical engineering / information technology, mechatronics, medical engineering and computer engineering, as well as master's studies in embedded systems, embedded systems part time, and mechatronic system development.

Corporate Connection: Our professors and students visit your company, your company representatives hold sessions in our university

Educational Connection: Our professors visit your school, your students visit our university

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For companies: Lecture Series IT Colloquium

Our professors regularly invite external speakers from the industry to present topics from their respective areas of work and experiences. The lectures are aimed at students, staff and professors of the School of Engineering and will be held on Thursdays from 5.15 pm in room THF.

"The lectures are intended to show our students what topics that can be expected in their professional life. The IT colloquium provides first-hand experiences to the participants and is seen as motivation for prospective engineers," says Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Pfeiffer, Head of the Department of Information Technology.