Mechatronics - Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)

More and more technical products consist of complex mechanical components that are controlled by complex, intelligent electronics.  For example, there are a multiplicity of special processors and microcontrollers in a modern car, besides the extensive mechanics and engine technology. These control important subsystems such as airbag, navigation and rain sensors etc. Even todays' washing machines do not work based purely on the mechanics and the electronics, but have more computing power than office computers of ten years ago. Companies and service providers are therefore encouraged to develop and implement systems, where mechanics, electronics and computer science perfectly interact.


Development of assistance systems for cars!

Convert houses into smart homes!

Develop solutions for the industry of tomorrow!

Manage interdisciplinary development teams!

Study Program Overview

The study program offers the best of the three areas of mechanics, electronics and computer science. This degree gives a chance to anyone who is interested in a multidisciplinary study to acquire a broad varied knowledge in these three areas of specialization. They are, therefore, able to comprehensively and entirely develop, optimize and integrate mechatronic systems.

Quick Facts

Winter semester

Regular study duration
7 semester, inclusive internship and bachelor thesis

Application deadline
15th July

Registration for interview
15th May

General high-education entrance qualification or a technical college entrance qualification

Pre-study internship
Not required

Language of instruction
Predominantly German

Tuition fees per semester
80 € Students Union fee
70 € administrative costs
8 € Student Body fee
per semester


Professional Opportunities

Through the interdisciplinary orientation of the program, you are optimally prepared for today's requirements in the job market. The system competence gained and your knowledge in the areas of electronics, computer science and mechanics give you a variety of professional and career opportunities in different industries, for example, as a development engineer, designer, or test engineer. The demand for mechatronic engineers is high both regional and international. You have double career chances, since a mechatronic engineer can be high-specialized employee or can be an integrative high-level personnel.

Your profile - Prerequisites

The most important requirements for successful studies of the Mechatronics are curiosity and interest in interactivity of mechanics, electronics and computer science. It may be of course beneficial if you have first practical experience in this field. However, the will and determination to accept technical challenges counts. If you are curious about working with mechatronic systems and are creative, then a career as a mechatronic engineer suits you best.

Content and Structure of Program

1st and 2nd Semester:

Basic principles of electronics, computer science, mathematics, mechanics, software development, physics

3rd and 4th Semester:

Electives in dynamics, sensors and actuators, measuring and control technology, signal processing, software engineering and project work

5th Semester:


6th and 7th Semester:

Electives: higher control technology, wide range of electives / final thesis (bachelor thesis)

What our students say

"After my apprenticeship training as a mechatronic technician, I gladly chose the bachelor's degree at the Pforzheim University. The professors here are very committed and students benefit greatly from the close contacts with the industry. I am fascinated by the diversity of the topics from the fields of electronics, mechanics and computer science in this program. This combination ideally prepares me for my future professional life. There will be a new master’s degree program in Mechatronic System Development as from 2017 at this university. This is a good development for the program.

Anna-Carina Spindler