Studierende der Fakultät für Technik finden alle relevanten Informationen rund ums Auslandssemester im E-Campus (Interner Bereich - Anmeldung erforderlich). Ein Auslandssemester ist auch für Ingenieurstudierende immer ein Gewinn! Als Austauschstudierender im Ausland sammeln Sie einzigartige Erfahrun ...
Universidad Pontificia Comillas Madrid/Spain Comillas Pontifical University belongs to a network of more than 200 Jesuit universities in the world. More than 100 years old, the university strives to train not only the best professionals, but the best persons. As Father Arrupe said, “men and women fo ...
Özyegin University Istanbul/Turkey In Istanbul, you can explore the city once known as the capital of capital cities, having served as the axis upon which the Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman Empires revolved. Today, from the depths of this historical Istanbul, a new, modern, dynamic Istanbul has been ...
Universidad del Pais Vasco Bilbao/Spain Bilbao is a lively city in northern Spain, the largest in the province of Biscay and in the Basque Country. It is nestled in a beautiful landscape with vineyards, only 16 km from the Bay of Biscay, furthermore the Mountains of the Pyrenees are not far away. Bi ...
IMT Mines Albi Albi-Carmaux/France A school of the ministry of industry, the higher national school of mines of Albi-Carmaux is part of the Mines-Telecom Institute, which is today the first group of schools of engineering and management in France. IMT Mines Albi is also an associate member of the “F ...
Nordamerika ...auf das Bild klicken und weiter zur Profilvorstellung der Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey/Mexiko ...auf das Bild klicken und weiter zur Profilvorstellung der University of Wyoming, Laramie/USA ...
EPF Ecole d’Ingénieurs Sceaux Sceaux/France EPF, former Ecole Polytechnique Féminine (Polytechnic School for Women), was founded in 1925, as one of France's first Grandes Ecoles to train women to be engineers. As of 1994, the school is no longer women’s only. However, EPF is an active advocate for g ...
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Johor Bahru/Malaysia The University of Technology Malaysia (UTM) is a leading innovation-driven entrepreneurial research university in engineering, science, and technology. UTM has established a reputation for innovative education and cutting-edge research, with a visio ...
JAMK University of Applied Sciences Jyväskylä/Finland JAMK is one of the most popular universities of applied sciences in Finland. It is located in Jyväskylä, a student-friendly, human-sized city offering a wide range of activities and opportunities, surrounded by Central Finland’s numerous lakes an ...
Taiwan Tech Taipei/Taiwan The National Taiwan University of Science and Technology abbreviated as NTUST or Taiwan Tech, is a public technological university located in Taipei, Taiwan. Taiwan Tech was established in 1974, as the first and the leading higher education institution of its kind within Ta ...